At this stage they're being called "Elite" hubs, which apparently isn't their final name and although these look to be racing specific, there is a 14mm version with a 9t driver. I don't have any details on what's actually inside these hubs, but they do bring up a few questions. The name "Elite" would suggest that these are a step up from Profile Mini cassettes - could bmx hubs really get any more elite / expensive than the Mini? It's either that or Profile are getting all marketing-speak on your ass and calling a cheaper model a more expensive name, but since Madera is locked in as being their affordable product line that seems unlikely. So the question remains - what makes these hubs the elite of the elite?

Anyway, they're looking nice and clean and there is definitely a saving in machine time on the hub shell that might allow them to put in a few more internal features - Different bearings? More pawls? New materials? According to Profile all will be revealed officially some time after InterBike. But for now, that matte green anodising is looking the goods and is definitely a step away from the techni-colour of the current Profile range.
Edit: Check the comments for official news from Christian at Profile.
They've got a new spline drive sprocket (Demolition have actually also gone that road - if you take a good hard look here) that looks interesting:

And they've I suppose you'd say it makes sense for them to do an 7075 aluminium peg. So they have:

They are aldo showing some similar looking MTB hubs with 206 engagement points.. hmmm
206? That seems a little random. And a little excessive. But is also the most plausible guess thus far.
If you go to http://profileracing.com/news_full.php?id=901, you can get the complete lowdown on Profile's new BMX line. The "Prototype" hub which you have pictured is actually a different hub from the "Elite" hub you mention.
The smooth "Prototype" hubs in the matte colors, as mentioned in the link above, are simply a Re-skinned Profile Mini hub. You can use either our 3/8" or our 14mm axles and any of our drivers in them. They are suitable for anything you can throw at them.
The "Elite" hub shares it's driver, pawls, and ratchet rings with the MTB prototype hub. There are over 200 points of engagement- It's an incredible difference over our existing hubs- there is just no space whatsoever between clicks- Downward pressure on the pedals is instantly converted to forward motion. They are intended for Race and MTB usage.
christian at profile racing dot com
206 pawls and 6 points of engagement...
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