I think I'm right in saying that these things are pretty new, at least these are the 2009 colours:

Superstar's take on plastic pedals. Of course no self respecting bmx company would dare be seen this season without a plastic pedal. I'm still waiting on Odyssey's JC PCs myself.
That said Superstar do have a version of their pedals that has rows of removable steel pins and, like all their products, they've kept packaging to a minimum to reduce waste and environmental impact. So just think of these pedals as PC +.

molded pins = 360 grams / 12.8 oz
removable steel pins = 410 grams / 14.6 oz
2009 translucent colors :
black, clear, orange, green, blue
Those look pretty sweet actually. I haven't seen those yet either. I wonder how secure those metal pins are...
Yeah, removable doesn't exactly give you total confidence in them. All depends on how they're fastened I suppose.
Yeah, exactly, and it's hard to tell how they're fastened. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with plastic pins. My Odyssey PCs have better grip than some of the aluminum pedals I've had.
Their not superstar pedals.. their wellgo pc pedals.
Yep, made by Wellgo, sold by Superstar.
eastern are way better
A plastic is a plastic is a plastic is a plastic?
hey well i want pedals so it wont hurt as much when u nail ur shin doing a bunny hop im still looking but nice pedals
hey do those got good grip so i wont eat it going on a jump
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