If Nuno from Odyssey's tweets are anything to go by, it's a bite.
If you compare the ribbing on the underside of the two seats you'll see that there actually are some differences. And the molding around the pivotal bolt is slightly different. I think that legally, to avoid a law suit, you have to make seven changes to the design of something for it to not be considered a copy. It's something like that. But basically, it's damn difficult and too expensive to enforce anyway.
But back to Fit. There is also their new PCP pedals. Yep plastic pedals that are the love child of Animal Hamiltons and Odyssey JCs. Apparently they were "Developed from team rider input", but you can't really imagine any of their team specifying reflector mounts on their pedals.

Makes you wonder what a that product designer that Fit was advertising for a while back is going to do there. He'll be sitting in a room with a bunch of catalouges.
Anyway, enough negativity and cynicism. Let this be a lesson: If you want the dirty street kids to buy your dirty street stuff, give it a dirty street name. Them PCPs is dope.
I hate Fit!
Yeah... just what I was thinking while I looked through that book... A bunch of unoriginal products. Also, they put their name on an innertube now too!!
Yeah nothing special at all. They def know what they doing with their marketing though - they've got THE team. And they must be up there for the prize of most web edits.
I don't know if you've seen this post, but they are damn popular.
Robbo is a fucking goofball. Like their products, Robbo himself has a hard time living to 'his' company's name, pretty ironic of you ask me...
you said that (... for it to not be considered a copy. It's something like that. But basically, it's damn difficult...), but I can say that is not difficult, we just need to think about the products and design them... I'm sure that you can find a new thing that no ones made before... it's not easy to made different products, but still be possible to made products without copy.
My tweet was more about the seat manufacturer, than it was about Fit.
yeah, I figured that. no drama and all.
still shameless though.
like him or not, he seems to know what the kids want. and manages to keep a really good team on track filming all over the globe. Stay Fit's sure to be a good vid. Just goes to show - its all about the marketing baby.
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